Bershire Hathaway Idaho Realty - (208) 344-0200

FUN FACT FRIDAY – BLM Idaho’s Bombastic Bugs!

Photo courtesy of BLM Idaho's Facebook page

Toadflax Stem Weevil on Dalmation Toadflax

DID YOU KNOW?  BLM Idaho is using bugs to control invasive plant species!  These specially-adapted bugs are known as biological control agents.  Some of the invasive plants in Idaho and their corresponding “bombastic bugs” include:

  • Dalmation Toadflax – Toadflax Stem Weevil
  • Rush Skeletonweed – Root Moth ‘Bradyrrhoa Gilveolella’
  • Leafy Spurge – Leafy Spurge Red-Headed Stem Borers

2nd FUN FACT:  “The toadflax stem weevil has reduced Idaho Dalmatian Toadflax populations by 97%. The adult female beetle lays eggs in the stems where larvae develop, pupate and burrow out of the stem each spring, decimating the plant.”  – Joey Milan, BLM Idaho Entomologist (via Facebook).

Check out the BLM Idaho’s Facebook page to find out why Dalmation Toadflax needs to be eliminated from public lands, here:

We can thank Milan for the following resource links:

Toadflax Info Sheet:

Toadflax Biocontrol Agents Info Sheet:

University of Idaho Weed Biological Control YouTube Series…

For more information regarding invasive plant species and how they are a risk to native wildlife everywhere, see the BLM blog post ‘Unhealthy Competition’ here:

Thanks, again, for reading another Fun Fact Friday post!

Photo courtesy of BLM Idaho's Facebook page.

Root Moth on Rush Skeletonweed

Photo courtesy of BLM Idaho's Facebook page.

Leafy Spurge Red-Headed Stem Borers on Leafy Spurge

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Berkshire Hathaway Idaho Realty
101 S. 27th St. Suite 105
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: (208) 344-0200

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