Bershire Hathaway Idaho Realty - (208) 344-0200

Moving? Here are a Couple of Checklists to Help!

Moving HelpSo, you are moving!  Congratulations!!!  A good moving checklist will help the change go much more smoothly because now comes the * enjoyable* part (if you love a good challenge and lots of upheavals)!  Prepping, packing, cleaning, and changing your address involves so many things to do and remember. So, how do you keep it all straight?

For example, are you keeping important documents handy in the midst of the chaos?  Did you remember to let your children’s schools know they are transferring?  Have you arranged for utility shutoff appropriately?  When are the movers coming?  And, what will you have available to use during the first night in your new home?

We know a thing or two about moving – I mean, we exist to help you find your dream home and have had much success in that regard!  Therefore, we are providing a couple of checklists to help you out.  These checklists are not necessarily comprehensive, but they should have enough information to use as a springboard to help you consider your family’s unique needs and preferences.  Feel free to download and adapt them for your personal use:

Moving Checklist

Change-of-Address Checklist

In addition, we would love to hear from you – how did these checklists work for you?  What might you add &/or change to make them better?  Do you have any special requests for how we can serve you?  After all, HomeServices is our middle name!  We are happy to be of assistance.

We welcome all feedback and wish you the best on your move!  Happy Trails to you!

For more information about us and how we can help you, connect with us on Facebook or Instagram!  Or, contact us directly by phone at (208) 344-0200.  We’ll get you connected to one of our beneficial agents or office staff!

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Berkshire Hathaway Idaho Realty
101 S. 27th St. Suite 105
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: (208) 344-0200

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